As part of our Centenary of Insulin campaign, IDF Europe launched a dedicated knowledge exchange programme for all our member associations.
The objective of the Twinning Programme is to build on national expertise and foster strategic collaboration between member associations to grow their capacity. By doing so, one’s strengths are used to support someone else’s needs.
This programme is an excellent opportunity for associations to maximise the impact of their activities by CONNECTING, GIVING and RECEIVING support.
Webinar series
In 2022, a mapping survey was conducted to identify the main strengths and needs of IDF Europe’s member associations. Based on the results, several associations were matched and started collaborating.
In 2023, IDF Europe also launched a series of webinars on key topics of interest. During each webinar, three-five associations will give a five/ten-minute presentation about initiatives and best practices that have been implemented in their respective countries. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session with the audience, composed of other national diabetes associations.
If your association should like to be considered for the Twinning Programme, please contact martina.boccardo@idf-europe.org.
September 7, 2023 / 16:00-17:30 CET | Twinning Programme webinar series for Member Associations: Primary prevention of diabetes | WATCH THE RECORDING |
Are you interested in learning about the main strength and need areas of our member associations? Click on the button below to request a copy of our mapping survey!
After checking the results of the mapping survey, click on the button below to download the matching form. Apply to the Twinning Programme by indicating your preferences for one or more associations you would like to be matched with, or apply by asking to be matched by IDF Europe with the association that best fits your competences and needs. Send the matching form by email to martina.boccardo@idf-europe.org.
IDF Europe’s Twinning Programme is supported by Boehringer Ingelheim, Lilly Diabetes and Novo Nordisk