Overall, Italy has a well-developed system of diabetes care, with numerous
diabetes centres throughout the country and treatment free at the point of
delivery. People living with diabetes (PwD) have access, with no out-ofpocket
expenditure, to all the medicines, devices, and medical services they
While the National Diabetes Plan defines priorities and provides guidelines
to improve the quality of diabetes care, with a patient-centred focus, the
regional and local authorities are responsible for its implementation which
varies greatly among the 20 regions.
The framework for e-health services is not yet fully developed, with many
remote services being delivered on a voluntary basis/during COVID-19 only.
There are no official diabetes specialist nurses in Italy, but many diabetes
centres have dedicated nurses who undergo specific training on diabetes
Watch the video testimonials from Felice Strollo, Riccardo Fornengo, Raffaele Scalpone e Giuliano Mellai.
This country profile was developed with the help of the Associazione Nazionale Italiana Atleti Diabetici, Associazione Medici Diabetologi, Associazione Italiana per la Difesa degli Interessi degli Diabetici, and Yourah network in Italy