
In Germany, all types of insulin and other diabetes medicines are available and subject to a €5-10 co-payment. Supplies and technologies for blood glucose monitoring and insulin administration are available and subject to the same co-payment, except for test strips which are entirely free of charge. Syringes, needles, test strips, insulin pens, blood glucose meters and intermittently-scanned continuous glucose monitors (isCGM) are reimbursed for all people living with diabetes (PwD), while real-time continuous glucose monitors (rtCGMs), insulin pumps and automated delivery systems are only reimbursed for people living with Type 1 diabetes (T1D).

There is no national diabetes plan. However, the Federal Ministry of Health commissioned the Robert Koch Institute, a federal government agency and research institute responsible for disease control and prevention, to develop a diabetes surveillance system which is currently in place.

This country profile was developed with the help of the German Diabetes Association (DiabetesDE)